Southwark Park Road junction with Jamaica Road
In autumn 2017 we carried out a public consultation on our proposals to transform roads in Southwark as part of Cycle Superhighway 4 (CS4). The route is an important part of the Mayor’s Healthy Streets Approach, which aims to make London greener, healthier and more pleasant through prioritising walking, cycling and the use of public transport.
We received over 3,200 direct responses and a further 1,400 campaign responses to the CS4 consultation. The feedback we received has helped us to improve the scheme’s design, and we currently intend to proceed with the scheme with minor modifications. A copy of the Consultation Report and our Response to the Issues Raised is available, including details of the changes we have made at
In response to feedback received during the initial consultation on the overall proposals for CS4, we are carrying out a further consultation on the junction of Southwark Park Road with Jamaica Road.
We would like to hear your views on these further proposals.
What we are proposing
Our revised proposals would improve pedestrian facilities and address safety and congestion concerns at the junction.
Our proposals include:
- Banning the right turn out of Southwark Park Road on to Jamaica Road for all traffic except buses, taxis and cyclists. This is in response to safety and congestion concerns raised regarding additional strategic traffic using Southwark Park Road to access Rotherhithe Tunnel. We would ban the turn for an initial trial period of 12 months during which we would monitor traffic in the area before deciding on the permanent conditions
- Permitting the ahead movement for all traffic from West Lane to improve local access
- Creating new straight across crossings for pedestrians on Southwark Park Road and West Lane as well as improving the desire line for the staggered crossing on Jamaica Road
- Providing new right turn pockets for cyclists to improve cycle access to CS4 from Southwark Park Road and West Lane
Predicted impacts of our proposals
The traffic modelling that we previously undertook for the CS4 proposals showed that strategic traffic from the A2 heading for Rotherhithe Tunnel may prefer to use Southwark Park Road as a result of the proposed changes along the A200. It also suggested that journey times for the P12 bus route in the evening peak may experience an increase of up to 6 minutes from Southwark Park Road to Lower Road.
We have now undertaken further traffic modelling which considers the changes in the latest proposals, and includes banning the right turn from Southwark Park Road. The latest modelling shows that strategic traffic using Southwark Park Road to access Rotherhithe Tunnel would now be displaced away from the A200 towards alternative river crossings. It also suggests that journey times for the P12 bus route would remain neutral in the morning and evening peak as a result of less traffic now using Southwark Park Road.
Local traffic wishing to travel east from Southwark Park Road will be able to access Jamaica Road via Clements Road and St James’s Road.
Reducing traffic volumes on Southwark Park Road would reduce congestion at peak periods, make it easier for pedestrians to cross the road and improve conditions for people who want to cycle. It would also ease the eastbound flow along Jamaica Road towards Rotherhithe Tunnel by reducing the number of vehicles joining from Southwark Park Road.
The changes would mean there would be less demand at the junction and allow us permit the ahead movement for all traffic from West Lane to improve local access.