Things tagged 'cycling'

limited to the area of Leeds Cycling Campaign:

2 issues found for 'cycling':

  • Bus stop in need of redesign

    Created by TMiles // 1 thread

    Inbound cyclists frequently have to wait for a considerable time behind buses at this well-used stop or pull out into the right-hand lane on what is a section of dual carriageway.

    A bus-stop bypass is likely to be impractical here, as its exit would be close to the junction with Cliff Road, unless it continued as a cycle track parallel with Woodhouse Lane for 500m until rejoining the main carriageway near the junction with Clarendon Road.

    An alternative solution, namely a bus lay-by (as on the other side of the road), may be possible but would have to take into account the mature trees in this location.

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  • New development Town Street Stanningley Leeds

    Created by David Dowden // 1 thread

    New Lidi retail development taking place next to cycle superhighway ,which will have improvements .

    At East side of development there is a footway connecting Grangefield road and Richardshaw road which is on Leeds cycle map as a cycle route. This is used as a quiet/quicker short cut from Pudsey saving using busy Richardshaw Lane.

    However there is no signage to use this route and also footpath /bridleway is in poor condition , rubbish , lighting issues , Could funding from this new development be used to improve this /cycleway/footpath.

    16/06865/COND | Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 6, 14 and 33 of Planning Application 15/05095/FU | Former Belgrave Works Town Street Stanningley Pudsey LS28 6HB

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26 threads found for 'cycling':

No planning applications found for 'cycling'.

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