Things tagged 'planning'

limited to the area of Leeds Cycling Campaign:

4 issues found for 'planning':

  • South Bank Consultation

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    Via email from Leeds City Council.

    The South Bank Leeds Framework Plan was produced in 2016 to provide guidance for the future development of the South Bank. Three months consultation was undertaken between August and December 2016 which prompted responses from over 2,200 members of the public and numerous partner organisations, businesses, landowners and other stakeholders. This produced over 32,000 comments. The responses have been considered, analysed and a number of changes have been made including strengthening the importance of urban realm, family-friendly design features, the waterfront and culture in the regeneration vision. In addition:

    · We are proposing to adopt the framework as a Supplementary Planning Document

    · The section around HS2 and the station has been updated to include the recently developed Leeds Integrated Station Masterplan

    The draft SPD, consultation statement and supporting documents are available for inspection at

    Representations are invited on the SPD until Wednesday 20 December 2017 and should be sent to or South Bank SPD consultation, Leonardo Building, 2 Rossington Street, Leeds, LS2 8HD or complete a response form / online survey.

    If you would further information please contact / 0113 378 7719 / 0113 378 5380.

    Yours faithfully

    DF's Signature
    David Feeney
    Head of Forward Planning & Implementation
    City Development

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  • 17/04425/FU Bridge for pedestrians and cyclists across the River Aire

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    Bridge for pedestrians and cyclists across the River Aire from the former Low Fold development site (Right Bank) to the former Hydro Aluminium development site (Left Bank)

    Land Opposite Low Fold Mills Low Fold Cross Green Leeds


    Application reference : 17/04425/FU

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  • Planning application Tetley Brewery

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    Outline application (all matters reserved except for access) for a phased mixed use development comprising demolition of existing buildings, up to 850 residential units (C3), business uses (B1), flexible commercial uses (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, D1, D2), hotel use (C1), public realm including a City Park and vehicular access.

    Former Tetley Brewery Hunslet Road Hunslet Leeds LS10 1JQ


    Application reference : 17/02501/OT

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  • New development Town Street Stanningley Leeds

    Created by David Dowden // 1 thread

    New Lidi retail development taking place next to cycle superhighway ,which will have improvements .

    At East side of development there is a footway connecting Grangefield road and Richardshaw road which is on Leeds cycle map as a cycle route. This is used as a quiet/quicker short cut from Pudsey saving using busy Richardshaw Lane.

    However there is no signage to use this route and also footpath /bridleway is in poor condition , rubbish , lighting issues , Could funding from this new development be used to improve this /cycleway/footpath.

    16/06865/COND | Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 6, 14 and 33 of Planning Application 15/05095/FU | Former Belgrave Works Town Street Stanningley Pudsey LS28 6HB

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172 threads found for 'planning':

No planning applications found for 'planning'.

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