
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Leeds Cycling Campaign:

  • Protected Cycleway on northern section of Leeds Ring Road

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    Leeds City Council are applying for investment to put a protected cycle way on the northern section of Leeds ring road.

    Draft plans are available here:




    We have provided a letter of support which can be found here:

    Council are expecting to hear about success of bid in early autumn

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  • ELOR Crossing Coal Road

    Created by Charlie Lima // 1 thread

    The original plans stated that there would be a cycle bridge where the ELOR crosses Coal Road but this detailed plan (attached) appears to show no such crossing. Where has it gone? I use Coal Road to commute to work regularly and it is a well used route by many other cyclists as well. The plans show cycle underbridges in other areas...

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  • Planning application Tetley Brewery

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    Outline application (all matters reserved except for access) for a phased mixed use development comprising demolition of existing buildings, up to 850 residential units (C3), business uses (B1), flexible commercial uses (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, D1, D2), hotel use (C1), public realm including a City Park and vehicular access.

    Former Tetley Brewery Hunslet Road Hunslet Leeds LS10 1JQ


    Application reference : 17/02501/OT

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  • Pudsey Greenside Cutting / Tunnel Infill proposal

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    Message from member DD.

    There is an application by the developer EP Homes to in fill the above cutting ( first application is a part infill , to be followed by full Infill and then probably housing application) .

    There is an issue of Bats roosts in the tunnel and under Carlisle Road Bridge. I'm forwarding this as there is also an issue of ever using this disused rail line as a cycle /walking route.

    There are quite a few objections to this and some residents mention the possibilities of a future cycle route Pudsey Greenside Greenway . There are also plans by Bradford Council for large housing developments new link road around Tong /Sholebrook/ Raikes Lane area, not far from the Western end of the railway tunnel.

    Leeds City Council Travel Wise Team also replied ,saying they had no comment on this development ,but state that Leeds cycling Officer Vicky Franks should be consulted. Is it worth Leeds Cycle Campaign contacting her on this item, and also our organisation objecting to this development ?

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  • Headstart / advanced stop line for cyclists required

    Created by TMiles // 1 thread

    This signal-controlled roundabout could be easily made safer for south-bound cyclists if the traffic lights granted them a few seconds head start or if the stop line on the segregated cycle lane was physically moved forward. This would prevent conflict between motor vehicles turning into Cross Stamford Street and cyclists continuing along Regent Street.

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  • Orbital route

    Created by TMiles // 1 thread

    A focus for a range of initiatives (including junction modifications, cycle lanes and calming measures) that will make it easier, safer and more pleasant to cycle between the diverse mix of communities along this 9km route.

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  • Smoother return to main carriageway required

    Created by TMiles // 1 thread

    The raised cycle way currently rejoins the main carriageway in an awkward manner at the junction with Oatland Road. A safer and more fluid option would be to ease cyclists into the parallel road-level cycle lane at some point before this junction.

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  • Bus stop in need of redesign

    Created by TMiles // 1 thread

    Inbound cyclists frequently have to wait for a considerable time behind buses at this well-used stop or pull out into the right-hand lane on what is a section of dual carriageway.

    A bus-stop bypass is likely to be impractical here, as its exit would be close to the junction with Cliff Road, unless it continued as a cycle track parallel with Woodhouse Lane for 500m until rejoining the main carriageway near the junction with Clarendon Road.

    An alternative solution, namely a bus lay-by (as on the other side of the road), may be possible but would have to take into account the mature trees in this location.

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  • New development Town Street Stanningley Leeds

    Created by David Dowden // 1 thread

    New Lidi retail development taking place next to cycle superhighway ,which will have improvements .

    At East side of development there is a footway connecting Grangefield road and Richardshaw road which is on Leeds cycle map as a cycle route. This is used as a quiet/quicker short cut from Pudsey saving using busy Richardshaw Lane.

    However there is no signage to use this route and also footpath /bridleway is in poor condition , rubbish , lighting issues , Could funding from this new development be used to improve this /cycleway/footpath.

    16/06865/COND | Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 6, 14 and 33 of Planning Application 15/05095/FU | Former Belgrave Works Town Street Stanningley Pudsey LS28 6HB

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  • Proposed one-way traffic on Hyde Park Road

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    Received from a member:

    I’ve received a TRO proposing to make a section of Hyde Park Road into a one-way street

    See plan here:

    The reason for the proposal is because with cars parked on both sides of the road there is only one effective lane, and apparently there are often traffic jams necessitating the attendance of the police.

    There is no exemption for cyclists included in the proposed order.

    My view is that there should be an exemption for cyclists, although I can see that Highways will have difficulty with that proposal on safety grounds. I therefore thought I would seek your views before making a formal objection. Maybe we should seek views from the membership generally?

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  • Galloway Lane housing development

    Created by M Stanley // 0 threads

    Planning application has gone on for this development.

    54 houses and 93 car parking spaces despite very good access to train, bus, and cycle routes.

    Think developers should reduce number of parking spaces and improve access to New Pudsey Station.

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  • Urban Bike Park and Bike Hub

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    Message from Cycling UK:

    It has been brought to Cycling UK’s attention that an exciting new bicycle project is under consultation in your local area of Leeds, which would benefit from supportive comments from local cyclists.

    You can submit your comments up until the 16th December.

    The project is the conversion of a Local Authority owned golf course (Middleton Park Golf Course ) into Leeds Urban Bike Park. The vision is that the Bike Park will eventually comprise a number of progressive trails for all levels of cyclist, plus BMX and play tracks, together with a community building providing a café, bike hire and maintenance facilities and other community use spaces.

    It is proposed that the facility will be operated and managed by Cycle Pathways, a Community Interest Company Limited by guarantee.

    Cycling UK would like to thank you in advance for taking time to submit your comments on this wonderful project proposal in Leeds.

    Respond to the planning application:

    Full details and documents:

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  • DMMO upgrade of Footpath at Post Hill, Pudsey SE2433NE Wood Ln- Troydale Ln

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    From Leeds City Council:

    Dear Sirs





    In 2003 Leeds City Council received a Definitive Map Modification Order Application to upgrade

    Leeds Footpath No’s 156 & 157 to bridleway status on the Definitive Map and Statement for

    the Leeds Metropolitan District between Wood Lane and Troydale Lane, Pudsey. The Definitive

    Map provides conclusive legal proof of the existence of public rights of way.

    In line with the Councils Statement of Priorities, a report into this matter is being compiled and

    the application is due to be considered by the Natural Environment Manager.

    The application is based on user evidence. If a way has been used as a public right of way for

    a period of 20 years or more without force, secrecy or permission, then the way is deemed to

    have been dedicated as a highway. The twenty year period is counted backwards from the first

    date of challenge and the onus is on the landowner to provide evidence to oppose the claim.

    I would be grateful to receive any comments that you may have regarding this Definitive Map

    Modification Order Application within one month of the date of this letter, so that they may be

    incorporated into the report to be presented Natural Environment Manager.

    Yours faithfully

    Helen Burrough

    Senior Definitive Map Officer

    Public Rights of Way


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  • Improvements to side roads on Kirkstall Road

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    We understand that there are scheduled improvements to several of the side roads on kirkstall roads. See below.

    "The scheme is contained within the H&T Annual programme to be funded from the LTP.

    There are a number of design issues - which you’re aware of – but we anticipate ( although programme still to be confirmed) the scheme being on site late summer/ early autumn.

    The scheme concentrates on the junctions with the Haddons on the north side of Kirkstall Road"

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  • Chapeltown Rd Leeds

    Created by dpattinson // 1 thread

    Although cycle lanes are marked in parts along Chapeltown Rd going out of town, it is quite dangerous, especially where there is parking for the shops along the west side of Chapeltown Rd. A particular concern is just after the pedestrian crossing lights past Mexborough St, opposite Costcutters. The vehicle lane narrows for the pedestrian island in the middle of the road, but straight after it are car parking spaces which protrude out into the road, creating a bottleneck so cyclists have to go into the middle of the vehicle lane to get around cars parked there. I've had a few close calls there as impatient vehicles try to push past where there is no room.

    It is almost normal during peak hour to have to negotiate cars parked on double yellow lines across the cycle lane.

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  • Concrete obstruction at Calverley Bridge

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    Large piece of concrete partially blocking access. If this was put here to stop motorbikes, then it is obviously ineffective due to eroded bank on right hand side.

    Reported to Leeds City Council via online reporting system 26/02/2016

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  • Broadway Cycle Path

    Created by MartinGT // 2 threads

    Add a cycle path on the broadway road. This should be off the road as its currently unsafe and a race track. The grass verge is wide enough for there to be a cycle path added adjacent the current pavement.

    This would encourage more people to cycle between Horsforth & Farsley and people from Rawdon & Rodley to cycle to Horsforth then onto the Canal into Leeds etc.

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  • Leeds Station South Entrance - Request for cycle parking delay

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    "Condition 14 currently states:
    Prior to the opening of the Station Entrance to the public, details of facilities to be provided for the parking of up to 20 cycles, to be used by members of the public, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The details shall include the location and method of securing cycles. The approved facilities shall then be provided prior to the building being brought into use and, thereafter, retained in full working order, in accordance with the approved details or any subsequent revisions that have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.
    The revised condition proposed is as below (additional/altered wording in red):
    No later than three months after the opening of the Station Entrance to the public, details of facilities to be provided for the parking of up to 20 cycles, to be used by members of the public, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The details shall
    include the location and method of securing cycles. The approved facilities shall then be provided no later than six months after the building being brought into use and, thereafter, retained in full working order, in accordance with the approved details or any subsequent revisions that have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.
    The provision of cycle facilities is linked to the works covered by condition 22 (enhancement to arches on Dark Neville Street) and is critically linked in terms of funding availability. As the funding route is yet to be confirmed we seek a small amendment to the delivery of both the design and implementation of the installation of cycle facilities. "

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  • Cycle Superhighway Section G

    Created by Charlie Lima // 1 thread

    The City Connect website shows that this section is a type 1 cycle track, from start at Burmantoffs Street, up the hill and over the flyover to the junction with Torre Road. It appears that they have built this part as a shared access path for pedestrians and cyclists instead. At the top, the cycle track veers off the A64, down the slip road towards a couple of roundabouts outside the Benfield Ford garage, before re-joining the A64. No doubt this will include some Toucan crossings, designed to slow cyclists and discourage those of us that already us the cycle/bus lane (as it is) to commute, from using the "Superhighway" at all.

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  • Parking on Canal Road

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    From member P.C.

    As you might know highways has really usefully put more yellow markings to stop parking on this tricky corner

    But the local car repair is using the corner as a salesroom. Its made it an even trickier corner. Can we get this info to highways pls as the double yellows need extending and to stop on pavement parking.

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